Let me add some info :)
For long tiem I was forced to use Internet explorer on NT....
But at home I sat up 3 linux box'es - with netscape <= 4.5.
It worked fine. It was standard redhat.
Later - like 2 months ago - I have set up a PC where I am
now with SuSE 6.1 (later 6.2) and netscape 4.5 and 4.6. It
worked not so fine. Netscape freeze, leave processes that
take cpu resouces, etc. A pain...
A few days ago I upgraded to Netscape 4.7. It seem to work fine
but the upgrade have made netscape complain about the java
plugin. It cannot find it ? (it is in the path listed).
I will look into it and get the Java part running. Maybe, at
that time, Netscape will freeze again....
I need the Java - at least for my Oracle online books :)
(I need Java in the morning too - but that is for my internal CPU :)
Bent Mathiesen
> just to add my little bit of netscape experience to this thread...
> i'm having problems at home as well...i'm still running
> netscape 4.5 and
> who knows what else..<i need to update!> and lately it seems
> as tho i'm
> lucky to keep a copy of netscape from freezing within 15 minutes.
> i have also noticed that after closing it, it sucks up some
> serious CPU
> usage, and just killing the application doesn't necessarily kill the
> process <does that make sense? i've got to explicitly kill the pid, or
> it'd be hanging around until reboot>
> i'm currently using the gnome/kde setup, but hopefully this
> weekend i'll
> have a chance to try out some different window
> managers...<still need to
> figure out how to do all this!>
> kristin
> >
> > It wasn't just a browser problem. Gnome had this lovely
> tendency to core
> > dump, crash, lockup, etc... I updated it twice before I
> gave up on it. I
> > really think KDE is more stable and more mature.
> >
> > Netscape has it's bugs, but it is open, usually in multiple
> iterations (just
> > like on your machine, Deb) almost all the time, and it
> isn't all that awful.
> > Yes, it needs to be closed now and again.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Caity
> >
> >
> >
> >
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