Well...yes and no. initially, no. i'd tried to use NT's loader like i had previously done during the 95/NT/linux phase. but that *repeatedly* didn't work..and I tried various things, like having a data partition in there,so that it wouldn't be directly "next to" the OS partition. Since that never worked, I printed out several HOWTOs on using the Linux bootloader (i was using lilo) and that never worked either. kristin > Were you using a boot loader from the distro? (lilo, etc)? > > ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? srl
- Re: [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? Julia Frizzell
- Re: [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? Aaron Malone
- Re: [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? Caitlyn Martin
- [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux Kristin Ziel
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux TheCoder
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux Kristin Ziel
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux Vinnie Surmonde
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux Kristin Ziel
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linu... Vinnie Surmonde
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/... Kristin Ziel
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux Agata Rawdanik
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linux K. Ziel
- Re: [techtalk] dual boot NT/linu... Agata Rawdanik
- Re: [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? srl
- Re: [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] multibooting vs. VMWare? TheCoder