Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Nov 1999 13:47:51 -0500, Steve Kudlak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >One thing I notice that is sort of misssing is GIMP there are several
> >groups and mailing lists ddvoted to it. I have not reeceived veey
> >much from the any of them, except a little from the plug in
> >registy..Are there people who want to start a gimp discusssion group
> >or if it would coulollide here in techtalk, mentione GIMP techniquews
> >and show off near pcitures. Pleus cute tricks we hab=ve learned,
> >SOmrething in addition to the already nice GUM (Gimp USers Manual). I
> >seldom see anyt GIMP material on may mailmg list. If someone can
> >point me to the rifht one I'd loove it.
> and the newsgroup  Why can't you use
> gimp-user for this?
> Kelly (GIMP developer emeritus)
> ************

Please escuse my 42 hrs away riught now, I e=remember subscving to them, and
gteering lk=ittle or nothing rccrpt for gigisrt,,,GItta gi skeeo now,'''Have
FUn, SEnds Steve


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