I've had DSL since June and consistently get speeds of above 400K. Not bad
for 256K plan($30/month). US Worst even has a cheaper plan, it's not
guaranteed to be 'up' all the time, but it's still 256K @ $20/month.
They (USW) have actually been very responsive to problems I've had with the
copper line the DSL line is on. The DSL has never gone down, the dialtone
did (problem at the CO). My SO (technologically challenged)called the wrong
number to report the problem and once I got that straightened out USW fixed
it within 24 hours.
Now, if only they would be as responsive to problems on our other phone
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Janus
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 1:19 PM
Subject: [techtalk] High speed access -- pros and cons
and I would be interested in your feedback: cable or ASDL?
Since I do not have cable, or even TV, I would have to get it installed,
and I have heard that it can slow down a lot in the evening. Also, to tell
the truth, the teenage-oriented, speed is all, if you want information "use
the Encyclopedia" ads from Rodgers annoy the h**l out of me. OTOH, I am
not a fan of Sympatico-Bell, either....
So, what has your experience been with one or the other or both?
56K is still okay, but....
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