Your getting that error because you also need to compile SCSI support into
the kernel, it relies on some code in those drivers and needs that to be
compiled in, it will not work if you try to load it as a module.
>Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:52:31 -0700
>From: "Norma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [techtalk] Okay so I recompiled my kernel under Re
>First of all in interest of reducing traffic on this busy group I'm sending
>a big thanks to all who have replied to my message. After reading all the
>tips I decided on going to the ppa driver page and going ahead and use the
>modules there for my zip drive. For some strange reason my compile this
>(after making sure to include scsi emulation) isn't turning out right. It
>failing with an error. I thought next to check out the src folder and look
>at the code to see if I saw an sg.o in there somewhere. I did. So I went
>ahead and moved it the the modules folder and manually changed modules.dep
>(I hope I got the name right). Well for some reason it complains that it's
>not for that version of the kernel (or something around the lines of that).
>It's funny because I only have the src for the same kernel I started with.
>So I have everything working now except for the cdwriter (again). That I
>definitely cannot get it to work without scsi support. Although the zip
>drive now can work without it. In fact doing a scanbus now doesn't show it
>up as a scsi drive. But all is getting better. I just wonder why now the
>compile fails with errors. I have compiled since then, GTK Perl and tried
>compile Gimp and Gimp failed (but not GTK Perl). Does anybody know who has
>RPMS (or tar gz files) with a working sg module that will work with the
>2.2.12 kernel?
> Norma
>*Insert witty message here!*
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