> originally going to build my own machine, but after a while of not finding
> the time to do that, i decided to buy a machine from "thelinuxstore.com"...
> i should have saved somewhere the specs on the machine from their website,
> but i didn't, and their product line has changed a bunch since then...)

Just as a warning to the others on this list -- I would advise *not*
buying from the linux store.  My best friend purchased one of their ""Ion"
line for his little brother, and had myriad problems with it.  soundcard
not working, cdrom locking closed (without being mounted :)), and other
minor glitches... sent it back for repair/replacement, and it came back
with just as many *different* problems.  And they wouldn't refund.

Perhaps this is an isolated incident, but I'd personally be extremely wary
of any machine that came from them.

Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
System Administrator
Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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