My two cents on building a system....

Try to buy stuff from one place. If you each part from different place
to get the lowest price, you will drive yourself crazy and get eaten up
on shipping charges. I use as a sanity check. The great
thing is that the are many great hardware review sites on the net. The
other thing is to decide what purpose the box will be used. A gaming
machine is a very different critter than a backup mail/dns server.

Just to give you an idea on price, I priced this box out for a friend
aiming for the cheapest price with reasonable hardware. She is a
student and very broke. I do prefer IBM hard drives and would move up
to a K-63 chip if I had the budget. The prices are from
I don't endorse them per say, but have had very good luck with a
motherboard RMA. This box was to have M$ on it but I think the harware
would do fine for Linux. I would check the linux sites for hardware
compatibility before ordering.

$53.00  AMD K6-2 400MHZ 3D OEM 
$74.00  FIC PA2013 VIA APOLLO MVP3 CHIPSET W/1MB        
$70.00  MULTIWAVE 4X64 PC100 32MB SDRAM         
$25.00  CREATIVE LABS AUDIOBLASTER 128          
$45.00  3DFX/STB VELOCITY 100 8MB AGP2X         
$38.90  ACER CD640 40X EIDE CDROM       
$50.00  MWAVE CI-6606 MIDDLE TOWER W/250W ATX 
$5.90   MWAVE 2 BUTTON MOUSE (PS2)      
Total $531.80

--- Cassidy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > I've been very happy with two motherboards I've purchased recently.
> At 
> > home we run 2 AMD K6-2 350s on FIC 503+ motherboards. This
> motherboard is 
> > *very* nice for AMD chips, and it's Y2K compliant. I'm also running
> the 
> > same chip on a Tyan board at work - I can't remember the exact
> model. But 
> > both motherboards ran around $79-$89 when we purchased them (all
> within 
> > the last 6-8 months). 
> I agree I have three of these boards, two of them have a K6-2 and one
> uses a
> P133. They have an AGP slot and run at 100hz. What more could you
> need?
> *giggles*
> > A good place to look for part-built systems is
> (or a 
> > variation thereof). There are a couple of other places you can
> build 
> > barebones systems - if you have parts at home you can reuse, this
> is the 
> > least expensive way to go, and you can get a good system for around
> $800.
> > 
> > Mur!
> > 
> > Amanda Owens
> > Duke University Medical Center
> > Department of Radiation Oncology
> > 
> > ************
> ************


 "In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. 
   In life may you proceed with balance and stealth."
                                 --patti smith
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