Hi Deb and all,

hope I don't bother you too much with this mail but as a digest reader I find it
quite difficult to handle the list: Other lists generate their digests as
Multipart MIME messages which is very convenient because one not only gets
a table of contents to choose the interesting postings from, but also has less
difficulties to reply to a certain message. Some "less advanced" lists
just assemble the messages like it is done here, but in addition, generate a
table of content (meaning just grep for the Subject-header and assemble them)
at the beginning. This lets one at least search for the interesting bits,
which is extremely helpful.

At the moment, I find it quite hard to read the digest, because I don't have
sufficient time to read everything from the start right to the end.
You might of course suggest setting up a procmail filter but I guess that I'm
not the only one who wishes for a more clearly arranged digest, thus raising
the question might be helpful for many of us.

Thanks and best wishes


Patricia Jung                   pgp-key available from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---Linus v. 2.0: The future of linux is female and called Patricia (Miranda)---

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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