Michelle Leonard wrote:

> Anyone install RH6.1 yet?  I downloaded the iso image
> and installed it here at work (fresh install on new
> drive).  VERY easy/fast install, except now the mouse
> has gone nuts (jumps and skips around randomly - not
> usable at all).  It works fine if I boot to the older
> install.  Tried 2 mice, MS Intellimouse 3-button (came
> with the Dell) which it is (recognized in the
> install), and another generic ps2 mouse. The mouse
> works fine during the install process.  So what
> configuration is causing this?  The XF86Config file
> mouse settings is the same as on the older install,
> /dev/mouse linked to psaux...
> Any hints appreciated..

Do you mean weird mouse in X or in console?
If you are talking about console, please find out the arguments of gpm

# ps ax | grep gpm

If you are talking about X, please send abstract from your XF86Config
about mouse.

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