Nicole wrote:

> > I have NO idea why it is having a cow... I *have* these files on my
> > system.
> okay here are all the files it complains about...
> /usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:27: linux/limits.h: No such file or
> directory
> [root@ghettoBOX pine4.20]# ls /usr/include/linux/limits.h
> ls: /usr/include/linux/limits.h: No such file or directory


> okay so it IS correct in telling me i don't have these header files...  i
> feel a little silly for not checking through all of them (i.e. assuming
> they were in /usr/include/*) first... but after being frustrated and
> getting home from work.... well... :o)
> is it possible they are in another location? doubtful is my guess....
> i know the compiler looks where the makefile tells it to (i.e. where the
> makefile puts the arguments for cc)... and then it will look in "standard"
> locations...
> where the heck did they go!? i have built previous versions of pine just
> fine
> (among other programs and things)
> hmmMMMMM
> now it is a puzzle and a half :o)

You can look into /usr/src/linux/include - maybe the files pine need are
there, so you have to make a simlink from /usr/include to /usr/src/linux,
just like that:

# ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux /usr/include/linux

and maybe one more link will be also useful

# ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm /usr/include/asm

If you don't have kernel src (or just headers) installed (no /usr/src/linux
dir) then you have two options

1. If you use a distro like RedHat, you can install kernel-headers RPM
2. Just grab the kernel source from (if you use stable kernel) or
{the_same}/v2.3 (if you stick to development one).

That's all...happy hacking!


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