At 10:36 PM 10/13/99 +0100, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
>On Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 04:04:05PM -0500 or thereabouts, Mary P. Wood wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Be gentle ... I'm a big-time Linux/Unix beginner.
>Uh-huh. Who already has PGP figured out :) More than me :)
>> My Unix class is actually working on Linux RedHat 5.2. I
>> telnet to the server from home. A friend and I are playing with
>> talk and write to send messages back and forth. I think we've
>Oh, I love those :) They were the first unix commands I learnt :)
>> got talk down, but here's the problem with write: How, if at
>> all, do I correct my butterfinger typing when I'm sending a write
>> message? When I backspace, the bad typing remains and I get
>> a ^H in addition to it. Any way around that?
>Yes, possibly. Are you using X when this happens?
>There is a long and complicated explanation behind this, but when
>using X, it can sometimes happen that backspace behaves as you
>say (in ftp, or when using 'cat > somefile', for example). The
>solution can sometimes be, with a typical PC keyboard, to hit
>the delete button to the right of the return key rather than
>the backspace button above the return key.
>There are ways to 'fix' this behaviour, but I'm not sure how
>best to explain them. It's to do with two different opinions
>on what different keys -should- do, and what control codes they
>send. Perhaps someone other than me can explain simply? (I
>know it looks like a cop-out, but simplicity is not my forte!)
>And if you're not using X, of course, it may be quite another
If I remember right X follows "EMACS RULES" which is back space ends up
control-H. Delete means what it says. Same if you have tcsh really. ^a (
control-a) beggining of line) ^e (control-e end of line)
(backspace=^h(control-h) and really should just take you back a space but
not delete the character) (delete will delete the character, if you have
backspaced and the cursor is sitting on a character ^d (control-D will
delete it); I can't remember what bash does, having not used it much.
I used standard unix a lot. I have done some admin type stuff. Never quite
sure of myself, I will get a manual, intro or book. If anyone has pointers
to what they feel is the "best" or "very good linux book" tell me. I am
still lurking around trying to figure if I am going to make the jump from
Windoz for Linux and what I am going to do. I do now, because I want to
draw and do research lean towards "plug and play". But Unix was never that
way, and I don't know about Linux. My friend who pointed me here, seems to
be right...Any ideas email me, or post if they are general interest. I'll
also try reading the archives.
Thanks and Have Fun,
Sends Steve
P.S. Note if you have tcsh (tee-shell) any EMACS cheat sheet should have
you well on the way to being able to type even if you r a sloopy typist
like me! :)