JoAnn Elliott wrote:
> thanks for that, it was one of my questions, and now I have another.
> I installed and let it automatically start the windows thing, and I do get a
> choice, but when I want to logout it closes the whole system, when what I
> want to do is get out of the windows and into just the prompt. Can you
> please advise me how to do that?
> Jo

Hmmmm -- hard to say because I've never had it just shutdown out of X --
I either get an X login or a console login when I log out of X depending
on whether I'm using the "graphical" or "ASCII" login option my distro
offers.  What does ctrl-alt-backspace do for you?  Does it go to the
console login or back to a graphical login?  If it goes to a console
login, there you are!  Mine always goes back to a graphical login, but
sometimes I use "telinit" to change runlevels and get past it that way. 
I'm not sure that is the best way, but it is a way.  So far, I've not
found another way to shutdown the X-server that leaves me at a console
login if I've originally set it up for an x-login.

There is an alternative that leaves X running.  While in X hit
ctrl-alt-F1 (or F2 - F6) and you'll get to login at the console then
(tty1-6).  To go back to X, just hit ctrl-alt-F7 (or F8 in some flavors
of Caldera).

If from one of these logins you want to start another session of X you
can type "startx -- :1".  Your old session will be back at ctrl-alt-F7. 
In fact, the only prob I've had with this is in trying to  "startx
gnome-session -- :1".  Doing that will start my default wm instead. 
However, that might work for you because your set up is different from



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