Hi Erich,

Thanks for taking the time to elaborate - this looks great. Can I please
ask that once a suitable location is established for Edubuntu that these
details be documented there too?


On Mon, 2023-11-27 at 10:54:52 -0800, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Since this is the first LTS for Edubuntu in 10 years, I understand the need 
> for a few more details than provided for Ubuntu Studio. Unfortunately, 
> there's a few caveats with regards to a semi-permanent location:
>   * The current edubuntu.org website is a temporary placeholder until IS 
> works on the RT for bringing back the original edubuntu.org website that was 
> sunset not 6 months prior to my RT.
>   * The entire wiki area for Edubuntu is severely outdated and, considering 
> everything is moving to discourse[1], I don't recommend anyone use it.
> With that in mind, I think the semi-permanent location will have to be this 
> very thread in the lists.ubuntu.com archives.
> Now, on to the main topic (statement of support):
>   * Edubuntu 24.04 LTS will be supported for 3 years.
>   * Our support is limited to the educational and instructional packages we 
> include as well as our own developed utilities (e.g. Edubuntu Installer,  
> Edubuntu Menu) as well as any GNOME extensions we provide 
> (gnome-shell-extensions-alphabetical-menu)
>   * The desktop environment is maintained by the Ubuntu Desktop team as 
> Edubuntu is mostly an add-on to the Ubuntu Minimal seed.
>   * Most applications come from Debian and are maintained upstream.
>   * GNOME packages not maintained by the Ubuntu Desktop team are maintained 
> by the Debian GNOME team. We work closely with Jeremy Bicha for advice and 
> bugs on these packages.
>   * Bugs are filed against packages in Launchpad.
> I think that should cover it.
> Thanks,
> Erich
> [1] 
> https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/community-documentation-modernization-initiative/33116
> For that reason, we'll just
> On 11/26/23 22:30, Alex Murray wrote:
>> Hi Erich,
>> Thanks for submitting this - it's great to see Edubuntu coming back into
>> the LTS fold :)
>>  From my perspective the only thing missing here is a statement of the
>> level of support that users can expect for Edubuntu 24.04 LTS. Similar
>> to the thread for Ubuntu Studio
>> (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2023-November/002796.html)
>> can you please also provide a statement on the support plan? As part of
>> this could you also please include details on where users should file
>> bugs etc since even though Launchpad is the defacto for Ubuntu it may
>> not be the case for flavors, so it would be good to have this stated
>> explicitly even if this is the case for Edubuntu too.
>> Finally, would you also be able to also have this support info
>> documented somewhere semi-permanent like the wiki or on edubuntu.org?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On Mon, 2023-11-13 at 08:19:54 -0800, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
>>> Good morning technical board,
>>> For the first time in 10 years, Edubuntu would like to qualify for LTS
>>> status for 24.04. We have had two successful non-LTS releases as an
>>> official Ubuntu flavor again and have a solid team (~edubuntu-dev).
>>> I'll serve as primary point of contact for development purposes with
>>> amypenguin serving as secondary contact/team lead. Support period would
>>> be 3 years.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erich
>>> --
>>> Erich Eickmeyer
>>> Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
>>> Technical Lead - Edubuntu
>>> -- 
>>> technical-board mailing list
>>> technical-board@lists.ubuntu.com
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/technical-board

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