Try adding a new EMail box first. Then try removing the old one and see if it 
will let you do that at that point. That is what I had to do on a N86 in order 
to remove the first mail box.
So add the 2nd mail box.
Then go and see if it will let you remove the first mail box.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talks [] On Behalf Of Eleanor Martha 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 4:17 AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: [Talks] Unable to Delete E-mail Accounts on Nokia E5

Hi All,l I have had this problem some time ago and it has reared it's ugly head 
again!!!  I want to delete e-mail account from my Nokia E5 and I am approaching 
this by going to Menu, Office, E-mail, Settings and then highlighting the 
particular account.  Then I am going to options and remove. 
I am asked if I really want to remove the account and I say Yes but then I get 
a message saying it is unable to delete at this time.  I am disconnected in 
order to delete the account but no luck.  True I had a different SIM in the 
phone when I created the account but I find it strange that I cannot delete it. 
 I am able to add a Mail Box no problem.  I  could take the drastic action of 
restoring to factory settings which I have done in the past but really I don't 
want to do this as I then end up having to install Talks again and it is less 
of a hassle to keep the e-mail account.  Any ideas what I might try?  Thanks.

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