There are many places to get Talks as far as the software and the like. IE is just one. Another place is
You can find the software for it along with the manuals for it. Being you said 
you used it back in 2005 etc...; I would strongly suggest you read the manual 
chapters 3, 4 and 5 for starters. Talks has added a lot of things from that 
time frame from version 1.x of Talks to the 5.50.x version of Talks that is 
current. Most of the Talks commands haven't changed from that timeframe. Note 
the word MOST.

Example of commands that have been enhanced.
The old Talks star to get into the Talks settings is now done by Talks followed 
by a long press of SoftKey1. Can be done on the N95* models without opening it.
Talks followed by 9 to get the time can also be done by Talks followed by the 
call button. Much easier on the N95* models being you don't need to open the 
phone to do it.

Example of an new command. Talks followed by a long press of 8 to copy the last 
spoken thing to the clipboard. Then you can use the normal paste function on 
the thing to paste it into a message, Email, Notes or whatever you are editing.
Another new Talks command. Talks followed by a long press of 7 to change 
speaking of passwords.

When we say a long press of an button; we mean you press that button for about 
1 second.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talks [] On Behalf Of Judy Jones
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:02 PM
Subject: [Talks] Intro.


Thanks to Dennis Long, I have a place to go for my Talks questions.

I’m writing on behalf of my husband who is loathed to switch to a touch screen. 
 His Nokia 6650 is still working just fine, but I am trying to put things in 
place to where he can use another Nokia phone with Talks if this one should die.

I would like to be educated as to what is going on with Talks right now, where 
the best place to obtain it is in the U.S., and what phones people are using.  
I used to use it a long time ago, but made myself switch to the touch screen, 
as I understood the Symbian platform is going away.  I would have stayed with a 
push button phone for as long as possible, I loved the Nokia line.  I started 
out years ago with Talks in 2005, I believe, a nokia 6620.  I’ve also had the 
6650, I think it was the 6682 for quite a while, then the N95 and N96.  
However, these never lasted long, dying of hardware failure.  (Sadface.)

Thank you all in advance for bringing me up to speed in making the wisest 
choices in today’s market.

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