A long press of the Menu key bring up the task manager and if you have 
Messaging already open; just arrow to it and select it. Do the same to go back 
to the internet. This is the same on all Nokia phones that have a Physical Menu 
button. This has been like this from the very first Series 60 phones back from 
the 2003/2004 time frame.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On 
Behalf Of Stephen faill
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:38 AM
To: talks@talksusers.com
Subject: [Talks] nokia e71 and internet/messages

hello list.
there is probably a simple answer to this question but when i am using this 
phone on the internet (doesn’t matter what page i am on), and i recieve a text 
message, how do i switch between the internet window and the text message?
kind regards for answers.
stephen faill
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