i also found out that it isn't the version of talks and is indeed the
browser that is causing the problem
what i will do is have a look about google and find another third party
browser that i can install and hopefully use to access this website.
thankyou for your help.
stephen faill
-----Original Message-----
From: Agent Golder
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2014 10:48 PM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] nokia e71 and online banking
The same happens also on the N96 which uses the older version of the
browser as the E71.
Unfortunately there is some general compatibility problem with this page
in this browser version. It hasn't to do with the version of Talks which
is installed.
You must purchase an E5 again or an E72 to avoid this and other similar
problems with pages in the future.
If you want, keep the E71, it will probably work with some other pages
that don't with the recent browser versions.
Have a good week.
Στις 8/11/2014 11:23 μμ, ο/η stephen faill έγραψε:
ok i have given the website below and where it is asking for my customer
number, which i can type in no problem, then hitting the continue button
is where i get stuck.
-----Original Message----- From: Agent Golder
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 7:23 PM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] nokia e71 and online banking
Please give me the exact web site adress and I'll try to find out and
reply you what is happening.
If you wish, you can give me your login detailes (after changing your
password temporarily to something like test12345 or bank12345) and onece
I find what's the problem you can change it back again.)
Στις 8/11/2014 7:03 μμ, ο/η stephen faill έγραψε:
hello list.
i have just got a nokia e71, which replaces my now dead nokia e5 and have
a question regarding how it works with the clydesdale online banking.
with the e5 i used my banking easily but this e71 is causing me a
i use the same link to go into the bank’s website and after entering my
customer number i either get thrown completely off the page back to my
home screen or taken to an untitled page that says logging off... and
nothing else.
does anyone use the clydesdale bank with a nokia e71 and if so how are
they getting it to work for them?
i have just updated the e71 to the latest version of talks.
any help is greatly appreciated.
stephen faill
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