Note! The Talks long 8 will not copy long strings of text. So like has been 
stated, if you do an Talks followed by pound/hash/number first you will know 
what will be copied with the Talks long 8. Also note! The Talks long 8 will not 
add to what has already been added, it will replace it. After you have copied 
something this away, then pasted it into what ever! You will need to reread it 
and probably clean it up. You will use the phones normal paste function to 
paste what has been copied. Talks will read what is being copied when you do 
the Talks long 8 command. It will not say the word copy at any time. The 
punctuation setting in Talks will affect how things are copied with the Talks 
long 8 command. So play with the command first to get an idea of how it words.

Produced on a Nokia N95 smart phone using a Symbian based screen reader.
Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

-original message-
Subject: [Talks] About coppying all text in a message
From: Agent Golder <>
Date: 18/08/2014 3:33 AM

If you have one of the latest versions of Talks (5.31.4 or 5.50.3) 
installed you can press talks+hash when the first reading of message 
finishes and then talks+long 8 to coppy it. It will be coppied with a 
period at the end.
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