Hello Denise,

I would be interested in your Free signer program.  Is it possible to e-mail 
it to me?  If not, where did you find it?  My e-mail address is:


When using my N95 8GB, I had a brilliant program installed called AppQLaunch. 
I found an update to the version I had and tried to install it on my N86, and 
had the certificate expired message.  I had no trouble installing it on my N95 
8GB, even though the previous version wouldn't install unless I set the date 
to December 2007.  AppQLaunch (Application quick Launch) works like the search 
box in windows.  Once you install and refresh the list, you type the first few 
letters of the application you wish to open, then scroll down the list for the 
right one and open it.  The latest version of the program removes your search 
string when you exit the opened application, so you have a clear text entry to 
enter your next search.  It saves time as you don't have to troll through the 
phone's menus trying to find the application you are looking for, and it works 
well with Talks.

Best wishes,

Clive Pallett


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