hi. This is not solution. I know it will work on computer. Then what
about my licence talks? I don't have right to ask update and support
to UC browser?

On 2/11/14, Dennis Long <dennisl1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> then use your computer.  there are a number of reasons that it may not
> work on the phone.
> On 2/12/2014 12:32 AM, Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi wrote:
>> Hi. I know Talks support default browser. But, I unable to download
>> some files from wuala.com by using it. So, Just I requested to give
>> support to UC browser from next talks update.
>> On 2/11/14, Dennis Long <dennisl1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> your comparing the computer and phones.  some websites don't display
>>> well on phones.  It may not be a talks issue.  I find the default web
>>> browser works fine for what I need.  I use my PC for heavy browsing
>>> after all that's what it is for.  just my opinion.
>>> On 2/11/2014 11:23 PM, Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi wrote:
>>>> Hi. Its not supporting for current talks version. So, some websites
>>>> are not supporting to old nokia default web browser. Thats why, I
>>>> requested to talks to update and, give support to UC browser. Sighted
>>>> people are cann, easyly access UC browser. But why not for talks user
>>>> its not accessible? See, now, NVDA and, jaws both supporting well for
>>>> latest browser. Including firefox and google crown. Then, why its
>>>> impossible to support talks to UC browser.
>>>> On 2/11/14, Stephen Giggar <sgig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> When you say it will not read characters! Do you mean it will not read
>>>>> anything that you type in as far as what you are typing?
>>>>> What does UC stand for?
>>>>> Does it read the web page as far as you are able to jump by link,
>>>>> headings
>>>>> etc....?
>>>>> Signed: Stephen Giggar
>>>>> Skype: dr-phone.
>>>>> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
>>>>> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi" <ingalagisi...@gmail.com>
>>>>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:29 AM
>>>>> Subject: [Talks] I am waiting for latest talks to update??
>>>>>> When will talks update? Because, now, some website are not supporting
>>>>>> to default nokia browser. So want to use UC browser whith talks. But,
>>>>>> talks will not anounce single letter on UC browser. I am not
>>>>>> intresting to buy touch screen android. And, there is no latest
>>>>>> keyPad
>>>>>> android. So I request pls update talks, and, give support to UC
>>>>>> browser. Nokia browser is not good. And, there is no option to
>>>>>> update.o
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> thanks and regards. Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi. State: Karnataka.
>>>>>> Country: India. My contact info: mail ID: ingalagisi...@gmail.com
>>>>>> facebook: http://m.facebook.com/siddalingeshwar.ingalagi/ join my own
>>>>>> group on facebook: ShareEverything!
>>>>>> http://m.facebook.com/groups/201402363354521?refid=27/ twitter:
>>>>>> http://www.twitter.com/ingalagisiddu/ skype: siddalingeshwar2
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thanks and regards. Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi. State: Karnataka.
Country: India. My contact info: mail ID: ingalagisi...@gmail.com
facebook: http://m.facebook.com/siddalingeshwar.ingalagi/ join my own
group on facebook: ShareEverything!
http://m.facebook.com/groups/201402363354521?refid=27/ twitter:
http://www.twitter.com/ingalagisiddu/ skype: siddalingeshwar2
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