
     I hope this isn't terribly off topic. It's about phones and mobile devices 
for the blind/VI. A new list has started recently. The owner/maintainer of the 
blind phone user list recently closed that list. A member of the blind phone 
user list decided to start a new list in its place, but decided to open up the 
discussion to tablets, as well. It's not about any specific make or model of 
phones/tablets and I thought, this could benefit us talks users potentially, 
too. I am really interested in seeing the list do well. I, personally, was sad 
to see the blind phone list go and am glad something else is available for 
those who may not want to join a bunch of OS specific lists. I promised the 
maintainer of that list I'd help out by telling people about it, where ever I 
am able.
- You can subscribe to the list by sending email to
blindmobiletech-requ...@freelists.org with 'subscribe' in the Subject
field OR by visiting the list page at

Thank you for your time and have a good day. Again, I am sorry if this is not 
ok here,

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