Maybe try searching in all catagories instead. I have found that sometimes,
like a certain store here in the states... which will remain nameless...
that products are not always where you think they should be.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernard Hemmings" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] remote controls Wanted urgently
No luck on amazon I searched for
nokia ad-45
nokia -ad54
nokia remote control ad-45
then the same for the ad-54
Mostly the search results were phone cases and holders in every color
under the sun.
one pair of headphones came up.
I also took out nokia for the searches and was offered remote controls for
home theatre tvs even computers and terminal servers.
the search catagory I used was mobile phones and accessiries.
I think perhaps it's to old for amazon to stock.
If someone else can find either the ad-45 or the ad-54 can you send either
the link or what you put in the search box?
At 11:24 PM 6/12/2013, you wrote:
What you want is called the AD-54. This is an adaptor with the lock switch
on one side, the volume buttons on the other side with a few buttons on
the front of it. It is an cable about 1.5 feet long. The 3.5mm jack is on
the top of the box of the buttons. The AD-45 adaptor will also work. You
can probably find these on and they will come with ear buds but
you don't need to use them being they just plug into the top of the box
that has the buttons on it.
Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.
Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bernard Hemmings"
To: "talks list" <>
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 5:50 AM
Subject: [Talks] remote controls Wanted urgently
Hi, my remote control unit that comes with several nokia phones has died.
I don't mean the one with the ear buds but the device that allows you to
connect any 3.5 mil plug. It is about two inches long and an inch wide
with two flat buttons on the front one of which controls the phone the
other is for the music player. On the left side edge there is a locking
switch and on the opposite edge there are up and down arrows.
on the bottom edge there is a cable about a foot long with the plug for
the phone and on the top edge is a 3.5 mil socket.
I can't use the remote controls with ear buds as I need to ware two
hearing aids.
the one I am after will allow me to connect my hearing aids directly to
the phone.
My old n95 came with the type of remote I need as did an n86 I had though
later a second n86 I owned came with the standard remote with ear buds.
As so many people are moving to the iphone I was hoping someone may have
one of these remotes I would even buy two one as a spare if I can.
I've must have tried a hundred phone shops. There is a cheap copy made
but it only has a single phone button with no volume or other keys.
If you have one or more please email me at
I will pay using paypal if that is convenient or if you are in Australia
I can send you the money direct to your bank account by EFT: which ever
you prefer.
I've even contacted nokia but they only have the remotes with the ear
Even if one person can sell me one I will happily take a second.
Much appreciated if you can help.
Bernard Hemmings:
Skype: Bernard Hemmings
phone: 61-2-95841280
mobile: 61-2-0412177799.
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Bernard Hemmings:
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phone: 61-2-95841280
mobile: 61-2-0412177799.
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