Run from Talks while you can *smile*. No not being erious there but you certainly have to consider your options. I have the E6 and I think it was you Malcolm that I mentioned to before about the slider going inside the side of the phone, the slider for locking and unlocking the keypad. I also find with the E6 that it does not always catch or latch on to every e-mail and I can at times be left with Talks repeating over and over again Browser. Yet there are other e-mails that it reads fine. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Malcolm Parfitt" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] New Phone

Can we really expect a new release of Talks when it would appear that Symbian would appear to be dead in the water?

So the answer would be to ask what's the future of accessible mobile phones?

As someone due to be eligible for an upgrade what should I do?
Sent from my Nokia E6

-----Original Message-----
From: "Eleanor Burke"
Sent:  25/11/2013, 17:49
To: "Talks Mailing List"
Subject: [Talks] New Phone

Hi All, it is with regret that I have found myself purchasing a much more functional phone last week that can do so much more than a phone running Talks. One of the things I have always wanted with my Talks phone was for it to read PDF files. In more recent years and with my Word documents this is no longer practicle either for me as a student trying to navagate through large files while on the move. A disadvantage with e-mail is the ability to read through an unfamiliar word cursor letter by letter unless in Edit field. Accessing the Internet is OK but not ideal. While there has been a Talks update over the past 12 months these updates have really only focused on the Talks working on other phones. I still love my Nokia and Talks phones but I can see that this will now be short lived as I have been unable to leave my new phone down since getting it last Thursday. There has indeed been a learning curve but every day I improve and I would say I am now 95% functional on the new p hone as opposed to about 30% last Thursday on the day of purchase. Speed is great too as I've had practice of writing on virtual keypads from iPad Mini and iPod Touch and in addition I have used Bluetooth Keyboards and Braille devices. I could not even use my Braille Focus Blue on my Nokia E6 with Talks. Now come on Talks developers is Talks to go down the tubes or is it going to be available only for those who want limited functionality?
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