Yes I use T9 all the time. It is easy to use. The hard part is just getting
use to just pressing a number one time for each letter you want.
Lets me give an example: Lets say I want to write my name Stephen using T9.
In an edit field I would
first start with pressing an 7. The phone will say S
Next I would then press the number 8. The phone may say St or even maybe
Street or Saint.
Next I would press an 3 for the E but the phone may say Sue.
Next I would press an 7 for whare the P would be and the phone may say Step.
Next I would press an 4 for the H and the phone may say Steph.
Next I would press an 3 for an E and the phone may say Stephe.
Lastly I would press an 6 for the N and the phone may say Stephen.
Keep in mind the above is an example to show you only need to press an
number for each letter you want.
Here is an example of a word that uses two letters on the same button. We
will try to spell the word Home.
First you would press an 4 for the H but the phone may say I
Next you would press the number 6 for the o but the phone may now say In
Next you would press an 6 for the letter M but the phone may say Inn
Next you would press the number 3 for the E but the phone may say Good.
In this case it is the wrong word being you want Home. So now you would
press the Star to cycle between the different words that match the key
presses you did above. When you press the Star after hearing the word Good
you will then get the word Home.
After you hear the word you want, you can then press an Space or punctuation
character to tell the phone that you are done with the word. If the word
isn't in the dictionary and you have pressed Star to cycle between all the
word that match the key presses for the word you want! You can now press
SoftKey1 to then spell the word you really want. The last word will be on
the screen when you press SoftKey1 so you will need to press Clear to clear
it out and then spell the word by long hand to enter the word you want.
After you have the word you want, press SoftKey1 to save it. Now the next
time you go to spell the word you wanted that you had to spell by long hand!
It will be in the dictionary.
One last example: Lets try spelling the word Can't
Press the letter 2 for the C and the phone may say A
Now press the 2 again for the 2nd letter of Can't and the phone may say CC
Now press the 6 for the 3rd chater N and the phone may say Can
Next press the number 1 for the punctuation character and the phone may say
Now press the 8 for the last character of Can't and the phone may then say
In the above example you will notice that the phone will change the dot to
the aposterfy for you.
So like I said in another message you need to ignore what the phone may be
saying while you are typing in the word you want when using T9 being it may
change many times with the word being typed in and what may be spoken may
also very with the TTS being used.
Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Hicks Steven (CORNWALL IT SERVICES)" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 3:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Simple query Hopefully, Dictionary
Brilliant, thanks very much, pressing 9 quickly twice seems to tdo the
For some reason, I just can't get used to using the dictionary, is there a
trick to it and do others fine it useful?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dennis Long
Sent: 20 November 2013 08:36
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Simple query Hopefully, Dictionary
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press it twice quickly or the left side of the long bar arrow down to t
9 I think it is and you should be good. if my directions are wrong it's
after 3 am here so sorry if there not clear or wrong smile. Try that
On 11/20/2013 3:34 AM, Hicks Steven (CORNWALL IT SERVICES) wrote:
Hello friends,
I was typing a text on my Nokia N95 and held down the number key to turn
it in to number mode to enter a phone number.
Some how now, I have managed to turn on the dictionary and predictive
text and I don't normally use this, any ideas how I can turn it off again
I have tried holding down the number key again but it doesn't seem to
turn it off.
Many thanks in anticipation,
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