connect your phone to your PC and then select and cut the desired contacts 
to a temp folder.

They're found in Others/Contacts.

Delete the unwanted  contacts and then replace with the saved contacts.

Go to the Contacts app and select mark all and delete the contacts on your 
 Finally restore the contacs from the SD card.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "leonard morris" <lmorris1...@gmail.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 3:48 PM
Subject: [Talks] n86 and outlook sync disaster

Using PC suite and my N86 I did a sync of my contacts. I thought that
only the info from my phone was being synced with Outlook. Well, to my
horrified discovery the sync process not only sent my N86 contacts to PC
suite it also sent my outlook addresses to my N86. So instead of having
225 contacts on my N86 I now have 2612 entries. (yikes!) I have been
going threw the unwanted contacts individually, but is there a fasster
way to perform this task? Is it possible to connect the phone to the PC
and bring up the contacts stored on the phone so I can just hit the
delete key on the computer to rid myself of the unwanted contacts faster?
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