All, Forgive the cross list posting, but, I like many of you feel that the time has come to stand up and be counted with regards to inaccessible Apps, and those who produce them. Please see my below article, and if you agree, please I urge you to use the Twitter link at the end and Tweet this as much as is possible. We need to stand up, and be counted in our collective community.
I would ask all of you to Tweet this and RT as much as is humanly possible. Lets see if we can make a difference today... I wanted you to see this article: Regards, Neil Barnfather Talks List Administrator Twitter @neilbarnfather TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit URL: - e-mail: - Phone: - +44 844 999 4199 _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: and Talknav Inc.