Hi All
I have a G mail account and a BT account on my nokia phones.  If the e-mails 
are unread and on my phone and I then go to the computer and open Outlook 
Express all the unread e-mails download to the computer.  What is good is that 
then they get sucked up out of the phone but the G mail account ones do not.  I 
find this irritating because for example if I read and delete the G mail 
e-mails on the phones, say 20 of them and then I go to the PC, all 20 G mails 
are downloaded.  With the BT ones, if I read and delete them on the phone then 
I do not have any bother with them on the computer as they do not download.  
Anyone have any idea what is going on here.

For those of you who read about the memory problem I am having on E5 and 
Stephen's suggestion, that did not work for me.

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