Just to save people some time, I've included the release notes below for your reading.

Nuance TALKS&ZOOMS Version 5.31
Release Notification
1. Introduction
We proudly announce the release of the Nuance Accessibility Suite - Nuance TALKS and ZOOMS - Version 5.31 supporting Series 60 3rd Edition / 5th Edition / Symbian^3
for November 6th, 2012.

Version 5.31 is a free upgrade for all Premium Edition licenses generated after November 13th, 2007 (the release date of TALKS 3.50 for 3rd Edition). In particular, this means that it can be installed by any customer who is currently able to run version 4.11 or
5 without requiring a new license.

Please note that, as in previous versions, ZOOMS screen magnification is currently
supported only on Series 60 3rd Edition and 5th Edition phones.
2. Changes to the list of supported phones
There are no changes to the list of supported phones in the version. It already resolves some issues with the support for the Belle FP1 firmware (which is used, for example, in the Nokia 808 PureView), but we are continuing to look at some remaining compatibility

The Belle FP2 firmware update (only available for recent touch-only models, such as the Nokia 701 and 808 PureView) is not yet supported, and upgrading the firmware should be avoided because it will render some parts of the system, such as the keyboard,

See section 6 for a full list of compatible handsets for this version.

3. What's New?
This section lists the improvements of TALKS&ZOOMS 5.31 compared to the previous
version (5.30).

New version of Vocalizer:

* Vocalizer 5.60.1: this version includes the latest updates from ongoing Vocalizer
product development, with various improvements across several languages as

New features:

* On recent 3rd Edition FP2 phones, emoticons (smileys) in text messages and the
symbol table are now read.
* Improved automatic reading of "call waiting" screen (if TALKS is not muted
permanently during call). In most situations, an incoming call should not be
announced without the need to press any additional keys.
* Last spoken phrase can be copied to clipboard using [Talks],[long 8]. This copies the phrase "as spoken", so that the names of some punctuation characters may be
included as words in addition to the characters themselves, depending on the
punctuation setting. As a confirmation, the phrase is spoken again.

Browser improvements:

* Combo boxes can be opened using [Select] in browser 7.3/7.4.
* Now supports text input fields using new HTML5-style field types. The
increasing use of this new type of control was the reason why text fields on some
popular pages stopped working with TALKS lately.
* "Reset" buttons in forms are now displayed as well.
* Now also supports "This page" links that go to an object identified by an ID
attribute rather than its anchor name.
* Improved word-wrapping in virtual buffer for long text sections on web pages,
especially in non-Latin scripts, to avoid cutting off sentence ends.
* Added support for BUTTON element in HTML
* Fixed repeating of "Text area" when typing in browser 7.3
* Clickable images outside of links with no alt/title text are now supported.

Application support:

* Fixed problems reading text field in WhatsApp 2.06.78.
* Labeled some additional icons (e.g. browser on C6-00, appointment flag in C6-00
month view, keyboard in Belle FP1).
* Allowed manual labeling of some currently unlabeled icons, e.g. on-screen
buttons in Symbian^3 camera app.

Other changes:

* Character count is no longer repeated when entering a message in latest E6-00
* Added [Talk],[long 3] shortcut as alternative to [Talks],[long Exit] which does not
work in Standby screen on phones which do not have a dedicated power key
* Fixed: App screen could temporarily become non-explorable after closing the
virtual keyboard, if no characters have been entered for about five seconds.
* Fixed: Crash of camera application on Nokia 808 PureView.
4. Known Issues with specific phones and apps
This section lists some frequently reported known problems and limitations that may
occur when using TALKS with particular handsets or apps:

* Reading of phone screen is currently a bit verbose (e.g. name of caller repeated more than once), as a result of new caller ID support and some blinking icons. * Nokia C6-00: Using [Talks] shortcuts involving a digit key is not possible in the
stand-by screen of this phone.
* Daisy2go on Symbian Anna: after adding a new book to the bookshelf, the
application will close. However, the book is added correctly and can be used after
starting the application again.
* Nokia E7-00: the default [Talks] key on this phone is the [Menu] key at the front of the device. On phones without Symbian Anna update, this key will not behave correctly if it is pressed twice too quickly, or if the touch screen is used within about a second after pressing [Talks]. It is recommended to upgrade to Symbian Anna, or to always wait a moment after pressing the [Talks] key on this phone. * Symbian^3 (without Symbian Anna update): double-tapping on a scroll bar may lead to a restart of the phone, especially if it is done quickly after opening a new
* Nokia C5-03: In the List view of the main menu, no cursor is displayed when moving around with the side keys, so the focus is not spoken. As a workaround,
use either Grid view, or explore the screen to select menu items.
* Touch phones, mostly 5th Edition: Currently, some menus for switching to other keyboard layouts and for picking suggestions from the T9 dictionary are not fully
accessible. Switching to other keyboard layouts is not recommended on 5th
Edition phones, as some of them (e.g. mini-Qwerty or handwriting) are not yet
supported by TALKS, and can be difficult to exit.
* 5th Edition only: On some phones opening the symbol table in the on-screen
keyboard can lead to the keyboard stopping to take input until you press [Exit] to go to the main menu, and then return to the application where you were entering
* 5th Edition only: text entry into an object announced as "Fields" (e.g. a date or a time) is not supported well by this version of TALKS, as the virtual keyboard
cannot be used with speech. This limits the use of the Calendar and Clock
applications that rely on these types of objects for date and time input.
* N97: training mode will read the digits, rather than the letters, for the keys in the
top row of the QWERTY keyboard.
* 3rd Edition (FP1 and FP2): the "Search" application is not supported.
* 3rd Edition FP2: You will notice a slow response of voice recognition "beep" after
holding [Key 2] when TALKS is not muted
* E75: When using ZOOMS, moving around the screen by holding down the cursor
keys is currently not possible. The magnified portion of the screen always follows
the current focus position.
5. FAQ
Q: Your software does not install on my E-Series handset or branded device, and reports
a Certificate Error! Why?
A: While TALKS&ZOOMS for Symbian itself is certified, and thus can be installed on any supported handset, the installers for the TTS engines (Eloquence or Vocalizer for Mobile) are not signed. E-Series handsets and some branded devices only accept the installation of signed software, unless you turn of the corresponding option inside the
Application Manager:
* Open the phone menu.
* Open the App. Manager inside the Tools folder
* Press "Options", then select "Settings".
* Set "Software Installation" from "Signed only" to "All".
* Press "Back" to close the Settings dialogue, then "Exit" to close the App.
* Now, you can install the TTS engine.
Another reason could be that the date on your phone is not set correctly - as Symbian apps need to be digitally signed, SIS files can only be installed if the phone is set to a
valid date.

Q: Can I install the new release of TALKS&ZOOMS, while a previous release is active? A: Yes, if the new version is installed to the same memory location as the previous release. If you would like to change the memory location, you have to remove the
previous release first!

Q: Why do I get an "Upgrade error" when installing the S60 3rd/5th Edition version? A: The most likely reasons are that you have used a beta release, or already have the Nokia TTS driver available that was installed as a separate file with version 3.10. Please remove any beta version, as well as the Nokia TTS driver or the Nuance Speech2Go
Reader application, before upgrading to TALKS 5.22.

Q: Why do I get an "Invalid serial number" error when trying to activate a demo version of TALKS, even though I have entered the code correctly and never used TALKS on this
phone before?
A: The most likely reason is that TALKS thinks the demo has already "expired" because the date on the phone is set incorrectly, usually to some date in the future.

Q: Why do the side keys on my touch screen phone no longer move the cursor after
upgrading to the latest version of TALKS?
A: Some keyboard functions, such as [Talks],[digit] shortcuts on the Idle screen and the use of the side keys to navigate through menus on 5th Edition, are only supported after the
phone has been rebooted once after installing or re-enabling TALKS.
6. Full compatibility list
6.1. Current models
This section lists compatible handsets running on Series 60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2, Series 60 5th Edition and Symbian^3, many of which are available at least in some
markets. Devices marked with [*] currently do not support ZOOMS screen

* Keyboard phones:
o Nokia 5320 XpressMusic
o Nokia 5630 XpressMusic
o Nokia 6700 slide (but not 6700 classic!)
o Nokia 6210 Navigator
o Nokia 6220 Classic
o Nokia 6650 fold
o Nokia 6710 Navigator
o Nokia 6720 classic
o Nokia 6730 classic
o Nokia 6790 Surge / slide
o Nokia C5-00
o Nokia C5-00 5MP
o Nokia E5-00
o Nokia E52
o Nokia E66
o Nokia E71
o Nokia E71x
o Nokia E72
o Nokia E73
o Nokia E75
o Nokia N78
o Nokia N79
o Nokia N85
o Nokia N86
o Nokia N96
o Nokia X5-01
* Touch screen phones:
o Nokia 700 (new)
o Nokia 701 (new)
o Nokia 5230 Xpress Music
o Nokia 5800 Xpress Music
o Nokia C5-03
o Nokia C6-00
o Nokia C6-01
o Nokia C7-00
o Nokia E6-00
o Nokia E7-00
o Nokia N8-00
o Nokia N97
o Nokia N97mini
o Nokia X6
* Untested, but expected to work:
o Nokia 500 (new)
o Nokia 5228 Xpress Music
o Nokia 5235 Xpress Music
o Nokia 5530 Xpress Music
o Nokia 5730 Xpress Music
o Nokia X7-00

6.2. Earlier models (3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 and older)
This section lists handsets running earlier versions of Series 60 3rd Edition which can still be upgraded to run TALKS 5.00. However, they are typically no longer available in most
regions except as second-hand and refurbished devices.

* Nokia 3250
* Nokia 5500
* Nokia 5700
* Nokia 6110 Navigator
* Nokia 6120C
* Nokia 6121C
* Nokia 6124 Classic
* Nokia 6290
* Nokia E50
* Nokia E51
* Nokia E60
* Nokia E61
* Nokia E61i
* Nokia E62
* Nokia E63
* Nokia E65
* Nokia E70
* Nokia E90
* Nokia N71
* Nokia N72
* Nokia N73
* Nokia N75
* Nokia N76
* Nokia N80
* Nokia N81/ N81 8GB
* Nokia N82
* Nokia N91
* Nokia N95 / N95 8GB

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" <for...@talknav.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>; <talks...@freelists.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 3:18 PM
Subject: [Talks] Talks v5.31 Release

Dear All,

Nuance have released the latest Talks build today, and you can find the release notes and Talks install file on the TalkNav FTP site:


All your upgrade and transfer licenses as always can be managed from the TalkNav online store which is available to you 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Any questions, please e-mail serv...@talknav.com


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit www.talknav.com

URL: - www.talknav.com
e-mail: - serv...@talknav.com
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

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