If you go in to settings and security you will find an option to set a pin. It 
will work on the SIM card but not on the phone. If your phone was stolen you 
would need to advise your phone carrier and give them your IMEI for them to 
disable it.
-----Original message-----
From: Husna Begum
Sent:  07/09/2012, 12:28  am
To: talks@talksusers.com; talks...@freelists.org
Subject: [Talks] putting a pin on the nokia e71


could some one tell me how to put a pin on the nokia e71 so that the phone 
cannot be used without the pin. also if some one removed the sim from the e71 
and put it in another unlocked phone would the sim then work even if it needed 
the pin when it was in the e71 and if so, is there any way to prevent this?

thanks, Husna
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