Hi All.
 I haven't been on this list for a while - purely because everything has
been working and I am unable to answer any questions as I don't have the
relevant phones.
I do however now have a question for all those who spend time on Twitter as
I do.
Up until recently, I would send and receive Tweats on   my E6 without any
I have now put a "Profile"  in and since this time the whole Twitter site
looks totally different to me  and I am unable to find how to tweat anymore.
I'm not sure if this is a twitter problem in that they are making
modifications to their mobile site or whether this is a talks issue  in  not
being able to find links.
 I have been into my local phone  shop who suggests I  reset the phone to
"Factory Settings",  which I am loath to do at this time.
 Any ideas would be very welcome.

Maurice Press

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