I get the same. It depends on where you exactly hit the icon. As has been said 
in the release notes of Talks re Belle, the way one touches the screen is 
different from Anna so we are having to re-learn a different technique. I note 
that it is the end of the icon that needs the touch to state what it is. For 
example. You hit the icon bang in the middle of it and Talks immediately says 
-----Original message-----
From: Srikanth Kanuri
Sent:  07/04/2012, 4:38  am
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Belle E6 Shortcut Icons Active Screen

i had a strange issue on my E 6home screen

when i tap the home screen on an icon, talks sometimes just says
"icon" and does not give any feedback. sometimes it clearly announces
what icon it is.

what am i doing wrong here?

On 4/6/12, Eleanor Burke <eleanorbu...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> I apologise if I am telling you something you already know but there may be
> those thinking of upgrading to Belle.  I have found that placing 8 shortcut
> icons on active screen, taking care moving from one to the other, Talks will
> actually say what each icon shorcut does.  This is slow but I have gained in
> confidence and improved speed.  The other thing is getting the touch correct
> i.e. accurate and ensuring that the touch does not actually open the
> application, rather that it just says what it does.  I would like to think
> that with a future release of Talks we could navagate through these icons
> using the right and left arrow keys or even the up and down ones.  With Anna
> I had to label using the Object Viewer but here this is not necessary which
> is great.
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