I have now Belle installed on Nokia E6 but I am having a little bit of
trouble and doing my head in tonight so going to give things a rest. I am
not able to Restore registration of Talks. Just says it has failed. Then I
tried to manually insert the key I got but it does not seem to be taking
either. Groan!!! I am on 10 minute mode which is not a lot for trying to
get familiar with this new operating system. Icons are not speaking in menu
but I wanted to put them in list view but do not know how to do that.
Confused a little about wi-fi. It is turned off but I do not understand
about tool bar to turn it on. All help greatly received *smile* Looking
forward to next release of Talks for Belle *smile*. Looks good though.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Srikanth Kanuri" <srili...@gmail.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] E6 and Belle.
hi, i had updated to bell.
there have been few issues which on practice could be addressed.
here are my experiences to your questions:
1. had no problems with edit boxes. i am comfortable in posting status
messages on Face book and sharing links with comments also.
2. yes the problem of Combo Boxes still exist.
3. yes i could access music player and could navigate by albums and
artists both by touch and key pad.
4. coming to maps a firm no. using Nokia maps 3.09. i cannot check my
position even.
5. no issues with browser except combo boxes.
other discomforts:
1. the home screen is not fully accessible. the icons will not be
renamed automatically. we cannot even place icons on our own however
when once got them placed by someone we can access them.
2. in Nokia Email when i delete a mail the focus shifts to the beginning.
3. when i open a mail it some times just says browser and keep saying
it even talks + down is used also.
4. when i open mail, and if talks + down works and mail opens also it
does not indicate the number of links and headings. it just says "page
with no links and headings" though there are few links and headings
present there.
5. though a gesture for accessing long touch options of Simbion bell
for example to delete a home screen icon or removing or moving an
application to another folder Etc. i cannot really get it to work. if
anyone successful in accessing these menu items please report.
few advantages:
1. can have 6 home screens
2. can totally switch off y5
3. getting around 2 days of battery backup with y5 disabled and when
y5 is running a little above a day.
4. • Widgets now come in five different sizes and allow a greater
degree of interactivity (e.g. scrolling through new email and enhanced
music controls). Many
of the standard widgets have been updated to match the new look and
feel and to take advantage of the flexible sizes. New 'toggle' widgets
allow you to
quickly switch Bluetooth on or off, or change profiles.
5. • The bottom softkeys and (optional) bottom toolbar are replaced
with a single toolbar comprising up to four icons (Back/Exit, Custom
1, Custom 2, and Menu).
This gives the UI a flatter hierarchy (less use of menus), with more
direct interaction (single touches to access functionality).
6. • New software updater, which automatically checks for updates and
streamlines the software update process.
On 4/2/12, Eleanor Burke <eleanorbu...@btinternet.com> wrote:
Why did you update to Belle with known issues with Talks? Was updating
useful to the performance of your phone. I have active screens and now my
battery life is less than 24 hours. Have the phone about 8 months.
-----Original message-----
From: Kit
Sent: 02/04/2012, 6:40 am
To: Talks Users
Subject: [Talks] E6 and Belle.
Hi E6 users,
Has anyone upgraded their FEW to Belle?
Is there any Talks issues?
1. repetition of edit area and so on in FB and Twit, is this solved or
2. Combo boxes issues, still exist?
3. Can u access Music player properly. i.e. getting the selection for
albums, artist, playlist and so on?
4. Can u operate Maps well with Talks?
5. Internet browsing, any problem?
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