Hi Eleanor and All.

I have just tried this and find exactly the same response.
The only way I could get back to the BBC website was as you say, to   start
again from Google or at least from my bookmark which i have created that
takes me directly to the BBC site.

Maurice Press

-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 28 March 2012 11:02
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: [Talks] E6 Using Internet

Hi All
While I can access the Internet with my E6 this is very slow and labourious
for me.  I am wondering if anyone can help.  My problem is this, if for
example I go on to the main BBC website and arrow down to the link for Radio
4.  Once I select this link if I then select a link for a programme, let's
call it the Archers.  Now I want to find my way back on to the BBC home page
where I started, I just can't do this.  I have to end up coming right out
and going back to Google or my Bookmark of BBC and starting all over again.
I have tried to press different keys on the qwerty keypad to see if these
would bring me back a page ;at a time but nothing happens for me, I can
press the soft key two on the touch screen which brings me back but then
Talks says press soft key one to select which I do and then I am back where
I started not having moved back.
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