Since it isn't the first time to occur with me, I thought of reporting this 
issue to the talks lists, so to make sure that I haven't miss something.
When a major update or edition of talks officially released, I usually go and 
grab it from the net using my access point on the telephone. When I download 
that and install it, and perhaps reboot my handset, talks refuses to  speak 
afterwards. That's exactly what occurred yesterday when the talks 5.30.2 was 
just oofficially released. The problem hasn't been fixed untill I connected my 
phone via bluetooth, delivered the talks installer, and updated that way. The 
very precise process happened twice when I updated on that E71 before. Is that 
a typical defect?, or it is just my stupidity,lol.
 Um, please may I have another query. I previously asked  for the critically 
considerations to resolve the whats app encounters with talks. Does anyone have 
experienced any significant evolvements with that?.  
Best Wishes.
Its always hope that gives meaning to life.
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