----- Original Message ----- 
From: Paulo Augusto 
To: Eleanor Burke 
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Web Cam for Symbian

Hi Paulo asked me to forward this message to the list as he has not got the 
Talks Mailing list e-mail address on his current computer.
Hi Eleanor,
Excuse-me for taking so long to answer. That's because my main pc is not 
working well since I installed mobiola. Maybe it's a coincidence but I think it 
will be good for you and other listers to wait until I check if the problem was 
caused by mobiola or not. Maybe the problem was that I installed the new nokia 
I'm using another computer now and I don't have the url to download mobiola 
here. So if you want to try mobiola soon you can search for the words
mobiola webcam symbiam
and probably you'll find the url to download the zip file that contains the 
software to install on the pc and the application to install on the phone.
There's another problem with mobiola: even when it was working it was not 
possible to have image and sound on the cell phone. The phone just sends the 
image from the camera to the pc but the sound on skype was via the pc 
microphone and speakers. It would be ideal to have video and sound through the 
cell phone.
Tell me what you have decided, to wait untill I check the problmes or not.
Regards, Paulo
PS: Could you please forward this message to talks mailing list? I cannot 
access the list on this pc.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eleanor Burke 
  To: pauloaugustoami...@yahoo.com.br 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 2:35 PM
  Subject: Web Cam for Symbian

  Hi Paulo
  I am interested.  I have the same phone model.  Can you send me link or 
program to install?  I have other phones too.  Will it work on other models, 
e.g. E5 and E6.  The E6 is Anna but the E5 would be good.

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