I should have added that to reach the Menu on the C5, where the Talks key is 
the default, a 2nd press of this key will bring up the Menu.  It is a matter of 
preference but certainly when I first started with Talks I found it very 
helpful to have all Menu type lists, just that, lists and not grid.  I have 
some residual vision and I have the phone set so that the background is black 
and the writing is mainly white rather than the other way round.  While I 
cannot read either display, I just find the negative display the more pleasant 
one and the more visually stimulating for myself.  I should have also said that 
this is probably a disadvantage of the C5 where Talks is soft, but I did find 
that when I had updated the firmware on the phone, I got good Talks volume 
then.  I know that from within Talks, it is also possible to increase the 
volume beyond 100% but your friend would need to be familiar with navagating 
the Talks options from within the program or having someone do this until they 
become more familar.  If it helps to lock and unlock it is soft-key one and * 
key.  I also like to have a Standard or inactive screen so that I can use my 
arrow keys and selection key as short-cut keys.  I am sure you know how to do 
this as I have had lots of Talks support from yourself Carla in the past when I 
was a beginner/novice!!!

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