Hi Srikanth.
I can't help you with all these questions however:

2. how to make the browser accessible with talks latest version?
 The Browser is totally accessible with latest version of Talks.  If you
want to  lauch the Browser, the easiest way is holding down the 0 key for
about 4 seconds and then waiting for a  short while.
Then your home page (in my case   Google) will come up.
4. how to open the miss calls and new message notifications?
The menu with "Missed Calls" "Dialled  Numbers: and "Received Calls" is
accessed by pressing the    lefthand side of the left soft key and then you
can navigate from  left to right using the navigation key.
 As for "New  Messages",  these are in option 6 of the main menu
 I have set up a short cut key to get to them which makes life much easier.

Hope this helps.

Maurice Press

From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Srikanth Kanuri
Sent: 16 January 2012 07:19
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: [Talks] E6 WLAN problem in connecting to internet and
accessibilityof browser:

hi, i am using E6 with latest firmware. i am facing the following Issues.

1. i am connected to WLAN through WPA pass key and status indicates that
WLAN connected. when i tried to browse, a message, "the access point doesn't
have VPN connectivity" pops up.

2. how to make the browser accessible with talks latest version?

3. is the music player accessible?

4. how to open the miss calls and new message notifications?

your help is highly requested
thanks in advance
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