Hi Eleanor.
Actually this is extremely relevant to my query so thanks for this.
And,  I have partly solved my   Supernova email problem.


Maurice Press

Managing Director of the Disability Resource Team

T: +44 (0)  208 943 0022
F: +44 (0) 208 943 5162
Website:  www.disabilityresourceteam.com

Company  Registration Number: 5191276.

Registered Office Address:
DRT: 2nd Floor, 6 Park  Road, Teddington,  Middlesex,  TW11 0AA.

-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 08 December 2011 15:36
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Cutting and Pasting from websites.

Well Maurice I do not know about you and others on the list but I think that
on my E6 it is the first time I have had an option at least to send a link
via e-mail from the website which is something in itself.  Have tried it out
so know it works.  I expect you have discovered this anyway, it needs to be
done via the touch screen and you achieve this by touching in the area of
soft key 2.  This brings up a window of about 12 icons which fills the
middle of the screen.  I think it is option 5 or 6 which is send a link and
then you have the option to do this either via message or e-mail.  I have
e-mail set up on my E6 so I choose to send via e-mail.  At least this way I
could send a link to my PC and then review and cut and paste later or maybe
I would even be near the PC at the time.  Not relevant to your question or
to the list as a whole but you have an issue as you would appear to have
sent your e-mail using Dolphin Supernova and you have one of those terrible
bugs which means we are reading all that Dolphin text stuff.  A pain as I
use Dolphin Supernova too but have not had this bug for some time.  Maybe
you should upgrade to version 12.6.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 2:56 PM
Subject: [Talks] Cutting and Pasting from websites.

> Hi all.
> I don't know if this is possible but,  if I am looking at a website and
> want to cut and paste either a name,  number or some lines of text,  can
> this be done?
> <:DOLPHINTEXT>Maurice Press.
> <:DOLPHINTEXT>Maurice Press
> Managing Director of the Disability Resource Team
> T: +44 (0)  208 943 0022
> F: +44 (0) 208 943 5162
> Website:  www.disabilityresourceteam.com
> Company  Registration Number: 5191276.
> Registered Office Address:
> DRT: 2nd Floor, 6 Park  Road, Teddington,  Middlesex,  TW11 0AA.
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