I believe this was done many moons ago. Sorry, for non US folks I mean it was done a long time ago, but I decided since I just did this for a person I'd put it on the list as an example of what the object viewer can do in some applications. This is based on using Mobile Weather. It's a little weather program that Is older, but I successfully install and use on, so far, all Nokia OS's and phones including the new symbian belle OS. Here goes.
Ok here's what you do.
Install the program
When you first go into MW it'll ask if you'd like to add a location.
After you say yes it asks if you want to add fromt he list or on your own. I always use the list.
It brings up a list of countries around the world
Click on the country
then click on the town.
It'll say adding location and it does. It then loads the weather for there.
All this is the first time you go in. After the first time it says Weather updated (and gives how long it has been since the last udate. ) Then asks Update weather now? You can add as many places as you want. click on options and arroow down to add a location and follow the steps above. Also under options the first thing says either list view or detailed view. If it says list view you are in detailed view. if it says detailed view you are in list view. In list view it just give you the quick info of the name of the location, and the temp. Your locations are as it indicates in list form. Arrow through them up and down. To get more weather info about each location switch to detailed view. All it says at first is the time of sunrise and sunset I think.
In detailed view you arrow left and right to get to each location.
Here's where the talks object viewer comes in.
On the detailed view go into the object viewer. (Talks plus long center select.
Arrow down to the name of the place. click on it and change the roll to title. (do this by click on this line. Arrow to where it says roll. Click on roll and arrow through the list to the one you want then click on it)
arrow to the wind info and change the roll to focus
Arrow to the temp and partly cloudy (or whatever it says there on the same line as the temp) change the status to name. Arrow to where it gives the name of the next day. Example- it's tuesday so that field says wedsday in it. Change the roll to text. Arrow to where you see the temp spread- low to high. Change the roll to subtitle
Arrow down 1 to another temp spread- low to high. change the roll to tree
click done
Now see what it says for your location.
Now that's the info that i like to here. As you arrow down you'll here other things such as sunrise, sunset, todays time and date, etc. If you want that info instead of what I like you can highlight those and select a rol for them and they'll speak instead of what I have spoken. I just gave you this as a specific example of what you can do.

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