Hi Maurice,

> On my N86,  when I press the talks Key which doubles up as the Menu key and 
> hold it down,  it tells me which a applications are 
> open at that time.  I don't seem to be able to do this on my E6. Is there a 
> way?

For E6, the default key for talks is the bluetooth switch which is the left 
button from the spacebar. Therefore the Talks key does 
not share with the menu key in this case (unless you change it manually). so to 
access the "open applications windows", just press 
once on the hardware menu/home key and hold it down. Unlike the N86, you double 
press the menu key and hold down the second press.

> What key in conjunction with Talks would I press   to hear how many bars I 
> have left and the signal strength.  On my N86 its Talks 
> plus  Key 2.

This keystroke did not change since Talks in version 1 or 2 until now. But the 
method to use this keystroke has changed since the E6 
soft key1 and key2 is not a hardware button, they are virtual buttons. Unlike 
most buttons phones, you can access this feature even 
the keypad is lock, for E6, you must first unlock the keyboard and screen by 
slide the lock switch on the right side of the phone, 
and only press Talks and follow by a tap on the virtual soft key2.

> This isn't totally talks related but,  the shop have set up the phone so that 
> when I go into the browser it comes up with Google. 
> What I'd like it to do is come up with Bookmarks as the first page.  How can 
> I change this.

Although is not Talks related, but is a great help to others symbian anna user, 
so I choose to answer this one. Nokia did a big 
reconstruct to the web department, therefore you are not able to make the 
bookmark as the first page as use to be for older phones. 
It is more alike the PC internet explorer, you will have to set a specific 
website to be the default page. But however, if you dont 
like to be that way (like myself), you can make the default page a blank page 
and this way the browser will not load anything when 
you enter "web". To do so, within the browser, press soft key2 (menu), arrow to 
"8 settings" and press select. Choose "General" and 
the second option is homepage, press select to clear all the address.

> Lastly,  When I switch on my E6,  the first thing that always    comes up is 
> an annoying  front page asking me to sign up to Ovi 
> and other things.  How can I get rid of this for good so that the phone just 
> boots up normally.

This problem we must say thank you to google/android, because they are the 
people who teach Nokia to have this silly think to be 
mandatory for symbian anna and belle. Not sure how other people get rid of this 
problem, but as for me, I just key-in my OVI account 
email address and the phone will work as normal again when reboots.



Allan (WKF)

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