I had a thought since responding to you. I did actually go in to applications 
and application manager and remove mail for exchange or maybe it was just 
called e-mail and all my e-mail accounts were still there afterwards.
-----Original message-----
From: Andrew Lamanche
Sent:  10/09/2011, 6:57  pm
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Can't read e-mails on nokia c5

Yes, I have e-mails in the mailbox because i can arrow up and down the list of 
messages and Talks reads out the author and the subject of the message. But 
when I open the message, Talks doesn't read anything. I note that in the 
options, I have an option "lsiten" which didn't exist there before the update. 
I tried to activate it and I get "message reader" but I can't get much sense 
out of how to use it. I think it's trying to use the C5 speech facility. If 
nobody else is having this problem this is obviously something to do my setup. 
Has anyone else got "listen" under options, and if no, how can I deactivate it? 
maybe it's interfering with Talks.

On 10 Sep 2011, at 09:40, Eleanor Burke wrote:

> I apologise I responded to you thinking you had said E5.
> I also have a C5 with the latest firmware, also v 7 and have no problem 
> whatsoever.  Have you the opportunity for a sighted person to check if you 
> are really on e-mails?
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Lamanche" <ioani...@me.com>
> To: <talks@talksusers.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 7:06 AM
> Subject: [Talks] Can't read e-mails on nokia c5
>> Dear Listers,
>> For a mysterious reason, I am no longer able to read e-mail messages on my 
>> nokia c5. I think it started after the most recent essential update. I can 
>> cursor down the list of my messages, I press open, and then when I press 
>> "talks" down arrow - which Iused to enable me to then read through the 
>> content of my message - I don't get any feedback at all. It is as if the 
>> message doesn't open at all because when I press down arrow, i am taken 
>> through the list of my messages in inbox.
>> Has anyone else had this issue since the last update of firmware?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Andrew
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