I had no problem with my C5. I just set the e-mail up in Messaging. Cannot 
understand your problem. Is there Office on the phone? You could look there for 
it. Maybe you have set-up Mail for exchange. You could look in Applications or 
maybe it is called Installs. There was a firmware upgrade in July version b7 
point something or other. I do not use Mail for Exchange.
-----Original message-----
From: albert brown
Sent:  08/09/2011, 10:16  pm
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: [Talks] Nokia c5 and emails

I am trying to set up the email program on the Nokia C5 for a friend of mine.
it is fully setup but we can't find the various folders such as: outbox Draft 
sent etc.
is this to do with the firmware?

I am using talks.
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