If the place of purchase will give you a letter on their letter head stating
the phone was faulty and needed to be replaced and you can get it to your
talks dealer they should replace it for you.
Secondly while in contact with your talks dealer consider a sym card
licence. So when you put your sym card in a new handset your talks licence
is on that handset. It's well worth the payment to change to a sym licence.
Bernard Hemmings
email: bern...@bhemmings.net
Skype: Bernard Hemmings
Ftp server email: ser...@bhemmings.net
ftp server address: livingaudio.bhemmings.net
Home: 61-02-95841280
Mobile: 61-0412177799
----- Original Message -----
From: "stephen faill" <stephen.fa...@btinternet.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 12:40 AM
Subject: [Talks] question regarding talks licence
hello list.
tomorrow i am taking my nokia e7 back to the shop and am hoping to get a
replacement phone.
my question is this:
only 3 months ago i purchased talks 5.20 premium from talknav and now that
my phone is going to be replaced where do i stand regarding using the
version i bought on a new handset?
all help is greatly appreciated.
kind regards.
stephen faill
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