Find the contact you want then press the select key or choose open from the 
options menu. That should open the contact you want to edit. Now press soft 
key 1 (options) again. Now arrow down through that menu and you should find 
edit. You can highlight the information you want to edit before pressing 
options. So if you want to edit a person's mobile number then go into 
contacts, highlight the contact you want to edit and press select or open 
from the options menu, now arrow to the mobile number and press options 
again, now arrow down to edit and press select. You should now be able to 
edit the information.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lisa McLaughlin" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 3:26 PM
Subject: [Talks] nokia c5

hi there

its the nokia c5 that i'm using.

when i go into my contacts, go to options, here's wat it gives me
1, show open apps
2, open
3, call, sub menu
4, create message
5, new contact
6, delete
7, mark/unmark
8, copy
9, sim numbers, sub menu
10, go to web address
11, send business card
12, contacts info
13, create back up
14, sinque
15, settings
17, exit

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