Hello everyone:

When I turn on my N86, after the Nokia jingle has been played, I hear two rapid 
click sounds from the phone's speaker, then, Talks says the following:

Memory low, delete or move some data from F, memory card.  After a short while, 
I hear two mor rapid clicks, plus a beep tone and the message is repeated.  At 
this point, the phone does not complete the start up process and go to the 
Standby Screen.  The only way I have found to bypass this point for the phone 
to go to the Standby Screen, is to press the end key, followed by a press of 
Soft Key 2.

When I use File Manager to check the amount of free space for each of the 
drives on the phone, The program reports: C, phone memory, 36.4 MB; E, Mass 
memory, 6.8 GB; F, memory card, 700.1 MB.  The memory card capacity is 16 GB.

It appears, that the Symbion operating system, requires a percentage of free 
space on each drive on the phone, for temporary and system files to work 
properly and efficiently.  Please note: I use the words, properly and 
efficiently, as far as operating systems are concerned, with great caution!

Am I right in believing this and, if so, what percentage of disk space do I 
need to leave free on each drive, in order to avoid this annoying message, each 
time I turn on the phone?


Dave Durber

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