hello, afraid the answer for your is no. there's no other web browser aside nokia older web browser working for talks. the latest nokia web browser is base on nokia latest web browser same as the one for symbian anna in E6 and X7.
-- Cheers, Allan (WKF) "Life is impermanent, happiness is not a necessity, a person must cherish the people around them." ----- Original Message ----- From: NIRAJ ARORA To: talks@talksusers.com Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2011 21:55 Subject: [Talks] alternate web brouser Hello Friends, This is my first mail to this group. I m realy thankfull n happy to be a part of this group. Friends , Today I m faceing big problem as one of our friend allready written over here about E52 firmware upgrading issue with web brouser. But now i m already done upgradation of firmware of my E52 n new verssion of talks will be reliesed in next octomber or november. So Friends please help me to suggest whether do we have any alternate web brouser accessable with talks to surf around because i can not wait for 3-4 month for next reliese of talks. Waiting for your reply. Thanks in advance. Niraj ARora Physiotherapist, Maharashtra, India. mobile- +919890571333 Skype id- dr.niraj123 _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Talks@talksusers.com http://lists.talksusers.com/mailman/listinfo/talks Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/ and Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/ _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Talks@talksusers.com http://lists.talksusers.com/mailman/listinfo/talks Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/ and Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/