Hi All, Need commands and solutions for below when using latest talks with maps.
1. Even when Mute on keypad lock set to "Yes", while maps is running on main screen, maximized, talks will still talk after I have lock the key guard if any key is pressed. 2. Is there any setting to make Talks to announce places as it changes automatically while we are in "My Position" of maps? Those whom have tried Mobile Speak will understand more of what I am try to ask here. I noticed that at times Talks will announce once or twice but overall, it's stubborn and will not auto speak places as we move along. 3. Rather then every time press Talks +Up key to read the place, any commands provided by maps which we could press and talks will read it out please? At least saving from having to press Talks every time. Thanks, KITT. _______________________________________________ Talks mailing list Talks@talksusers.com http://lists.talksusers.com/mailman/listinfo/talks Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/ and Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/