Wow Stephen, thanks for such complete explanations. I'll try.
Regards, Paulo

----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Giggar" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Reinstalling talks with no sight


Being you formatted the phone! The phone will be just like you got it from the factory. This means you need to set the City, Date and Time. The Date is the most important thing to have set correctly.

Next you will need sighted help to see if Talks shows up in the Menu. If so, you can select it and it should come up talking with the Nokia TTS. At that point, you can press Options, Arrow down to enable Talks and press select. This will then get Talks talking with the Nokia TTS full time. Now you can go back into Options and arrow down to register Submenu, Press right arrow, arrow down to Manual registration and press select. Arrow down to serial number and type in the number and press OK.

If you don't have any help, then you can try installing Talks after you have set the DATE correctly or at least set it after the date of the signed file. I would use 06/06/2011 for now as the date.

Then try installing the Talks file. When the phone beeps, you can press SoftkKey1 three time with a 5 second delay between presses, Press down arrow, then press SoftKey1 three more times with a 5 second delay between presses. It will not hert if you press it a few more times after that. Hopefully after about 30 seconds! Talks will start talking. Then you can go into the Talks settings and type in your license code.

In either case! You will need to go into the App. Manager and remove any file that just have numbers as part of the file name. Example: 50aE12F892. After you ahve removed those kind of file in the App. Manager! Press Options while in the APp. Manager and arrow down to security and press select. Make sure that Software Security is set to ALL and on-line certificet is set to OFF/NO.

Then you can exit out of the App. Manager and install your TTS. Talks will read the screen for you with teh Nokia TTS.

After the TTS is installed! You can go back into the Talks settings and arrow to the Speech tab and select your TTS. You can also change any othe Talks settings to meet your likes.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paulo Augusto" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 5:18 PM
Subject: [Talks] Reinstalling talks with no sight

Hi friends, I have a n81 8gb. I had talks installed in the memory card. But it was necessary to format the phone memory and talks is not talking anymore. I used the command *#7370#, as nokia support told. I think I need to reinstall talks but I don't know if I can do it without a sighted person's help. I still don't know the neighbouurs to ask them favours, I'm new in the area and I live alone, so it would be nice to do it by myself, if possible.
Thanks for any help, Paulo
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