Go into the setting section, change online for Internet to |Offline.  Of 
course if you are using unlimited access, leave it online.

If you would like to know your position without going into drive or walk 
mode, just go into your maps and then go into My Position and leave it 
there. It will speak the location as you are moving.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bardia Zakeri" <bardiazak...@gmail.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 2:55 PM
Subject: [Talks] ovi and talks.

hi there!
I have nokia e 66 and talks 5:20.
Yesterday I tried ovi maps talks with 5:20 and my e 66 and it worked pretty
how do you do so it knows where you are when you are not connected to the
Internet needs to connect to the internet all the time?
to use the

hej där!
Jag  har nokia  e 66 och talks 5.20.
igår prövade jag ovi maps med talks 5.20  och min e 66 och det fungerade
ganska bra
hur gör man så  den   vet var man är när man  inte  är ansluten till
internetbehöver man ansluta sig till internet  hela tiden ?
för att använda den

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