Hi Alan
I have  one further query  if you can assist.

Is there a way of setting up "Favourite Contacts"   in such a way  that,
when you enter contacts,  Favourites come up  first and you can save  say
your 20 most used numbers there.  Am I asking a bit for the moon here.

 Maurice Press.

-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Allan
Sent: 20 May 2011 10:48
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] A couple more E7 and Talks queries.

hi maurice,

you wrote:
> 1. Date and Time:  If I want to hear the date and time  on the E7,  I use
Talks followed by the 9 key on the Qwerty keyboard. I
> wonder if there's any way of replicating this using the Virtual keypad and

if you remember, this is one of the issue that i complain about 2 months ago
with my N8 and talks. no other method aside from press
the talks+9 on the qwerty keyboard or you get the time/date by exploring the

> 2. Star and Hash:  Now when I phone up my network provider  to retrieve
Ansaphone messages I'm asked to type in my 4 digit number
> followed by the Hash or square key. Now,  I use the Qwerty keyboard as
this is easier for me but,  how can I replicate the Hash or
> for that matter the star key.

for the time being, i think the best method for you is to save the operator
number with the "w" and the 4 digits pin. e.g. save the
number in your contact like this:


the 012345 is the operator number and the 1234 is the pin.

so, when you call this operator, it will wait for you to hit the key1 to
dial the pin for you and the hash key too.

again, this is my personal suggestion.


Allan (WKF)

"Life is impermanent, happiness is not a necessity, a person must cherish
the people around them."

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